First : What’s a kanima?

       First of all, a kanima, or werelizard, is a shapeshifter, as a werewolf. But this one isn’t a natural specie; it’s a muhttps://et-in-arkadia.tumblr.com/post/31570087832/balphesian-so-there-are-a-lot-of-greek-mythicaltation of the shapeshifter’s gene, considered as an abomination, which can’t fully transform until it resolves, in it’s past, what manifest that form.

       According to the Mythology, when an Alpha werewolf bites a human, he has two issues: death or transform.

      Usually, when you was bitten by a werewolf, then you turn into a werewolf. It’s the most known story, because it’s the easiest to explain. But the true one says that when a people is bitten by a werewolf, he turns into a supernatural creature which reflects him very own personality.

      So, the kanima reflects an inner turmoil and outward behavior. This shapeshifter has venomous claws, a tail, and glowing eyes, with a color from blue to silted-yellow. His special powehttps://teen-wolf-pack.fandom.com/wiki/Jackson_Whittemore?file=2x06%20Kanima%20Jackson.jpgr is his venom; it permits to stun other people. He also gets an enhanced agility, strength, speed, senses, and reflexes.

       As a werewolf, its power is greatest during the full moon. It’s a social creature, but, on the contrary to a werewolf, he’s not looking for a pack, but a master, with whom it’s got a limited telepathy; its mind is connected with its master’s one.

      It’s a weapon of vengeance, used to carry out the bidding of its master. Once, it has been used by a South American priest, to rid his own village of all the murderers living there. The legend says that the connection between master and kanima became stronger until the will of the master became the kanima’s one. So, when the priest died, the kanima kept serving his vengeance.

    Second : A kanima example on TV

       Another time on the MTV show called Teen Wolf, we can see a Kanima.

    https://teenwolf.fandom.com/fr/wiki/KanimaAt the beginning, he was just human, but he got transformed at the end of the first season and figured what he was during the second one. He’s name’s Jackson Whittemore, acted by Colton Haynes.

      This character has been adopted, because his biological parents died in a car accident, while his mother was still pregnant. He miraculously survived thanks to an emergency cesarean. This event is the origin of emotional and identity issues, which causes a reject to the Alpha bite, transforming him into a Kanima and not a werewolf.

      At first, his master used him to kill every members of an old swimming team. Then, his master died, and with his friend’s help, he became a chimera; a half werewolf and half chimera, before retiring for a while.


    Picture's links :

    1st picture: https://et-in-arkadia.tumblr.com/post/31570087832/balphesian-so-there-are-a-lot-of-greek-mythical

    2nd picture:https://teen-wolf-pack.fandom.com/wiki/Jackson_Whittemore?file=2x06%20Kanima%20Jackson.jpg

    3rd picture:https://teenwolf.fandom.com/fr/wiki/Kanima

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