•  Yesterday my friend told me: What is a vampire for you ? Because of this question, we have done a lot of research to answer it, and I would like to share with you these. Nobody can know, maybe these information could be useful if you meet a vampire one day.


    So first what is a vampire?



       This is a good question to get started. If we talk about their species, they are theoretically a sort of zombie who needs to drink blood to conserve his youth and to increase his strength.  However according to people he seems to be a phantom, a spirit or a demon, but the common point is that nobody knows if they are real.  They are often represented with a white skin, long hair and nails, red bloody lips with long canines.



    Then where did they come from?

        This creature was found in a lot of legends, mythological traditions and religious beliefs. In Europe for example, during Antiquity, Greeks thought that people who committed suicide or have been excommunicated came back to haunt living people. In Polish, vampires were seducer who sucks women’s blood.

        However the first vampire would have been a man who have been punished and cursed by God because he would have made a pact with the Devil. His condemnation was to become immortal in order to see his close family members dead. Nevertheless some vampires seem to have no divine origins. In generally you could become vampire when another vampire bit you. More rarely there are a list of predisposition to become a vampire which is:

    • If you are a wizard,
    • if you commit suicide,
    • if you have not received the last sacrament,
    • if you are not baptized,
    • if you are born during a religious day,
    • if you are dead because of a violent death,
    • if you are the seventh son of a seventh son
    • or if you are a bastard child.

    But the common point with all these stories is that nobody knows if they really exist.


    Which abilities have a vampire?

    Vampire would have some superpowers like hypnotic power, they would be able to read minds. Also they have no reflect in glass. According to beliefs, vampires could transform themselves in bats, wolves or mist. A lot of people believe that they are night creatures. However some popular beliefs talk about a creature which lives during days and nights. Moreover they are immortal. 


    How could we kill or repel a vampire?

                Even if they are immortal, they have weak points and we can kill them. Vampire would hate garlic, its smell repels them like mustard, wild roses, hawthorns and verbena. If they don’t escape with that we can use holy water or a crucifix. But to kill them it’s more difficult. You can sink a wooden stake in their heart or behead them.




    I hope you enjoyed this article! Thanks to read it!!


    PS: Be careful vampires seem to live in cemetery and he sleeps in coffin.





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  • To continue with the vampire theme, let’s have a look on vampires in fiction.

    In literature, the most famous book of vampire in the world is obviously Dracula written by Bram Stoker in 1897 which talks about Dracula, the famous vampire of the Carpathians. However it is not the first book which talks about vampire. This last one was The Vampyre of John Stagg in 1810. It was not a novel but a poem about them. It was a modern approach compared to the century which the author lived. This text made the vampire theme popular. After that, there was numerous books of this myth such as : The Vampyre of Polidori (1819), Carmilla of Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu (1872) or Interview with the Vampire of Anne Rice (1976).

    Vampire in stories...Vampire in stories...Vampire in stories... Vampire in stories...


    Nevertheless literature is not the only field that vampire have invaded. If we take a look about movies, numerous of them take the vampire theme. If I say “vampire”, you obviously answer me “Twilight”. Who don’t know this tetralogy? First it was novels but their adaptations are better known. For you who live in cave, I’ll sum up the topic. It talks about a love story between a human girl played by Kristen Steward and a vampire male representing by the charismatic Robert Pattinson. Obviously their relation isn’t simple and there are a lot of events. But guess what, it’s not the only movie about vampire. There are adaptations of Dracula written by Bram Stoker, and others movies like Nosferatu  : a Symphony of Horror (1922) which was the first movie of these creature.

    Vampire in stories...


    Nowadays the vampire’s presence is much more in series like Buffy, the vampire slayer with Sarah Michelle Gellar and the beautiful David Boreanaz. However the most famous serie in this field is certainly: The Vampire Diaries. This one is very appreciated by teenagers and young adult. If you decide to watch it, you’ll follow the story of Helena who fall in love about a new habitant of her city. But –SPOIL-, he is a vampire and Helena is going to discover his secret.

    Vampire in stories...

    Vampires diaries

    I think I say everything about vampire in fiction. So maybe it will have made you want to see or read some of them! If I’m right, share with me your impressions in comments!

    Thanks to read it! See ya!








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